Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pet Fact #1 - A small dog or cat weighing 5lbs or less will eliminate approximately 2oz of urine each time. If the animal only urinates twice per day it amounts to well over 11 gallons per year... Imagine if even half of that is in your carpets!

Pet Fact #2 - When an animal urinates it is usually no accident. Male dogs and especially male cats, are very territorial and mark the perimeter of their territory with spray (urine). Their territory is wherever they are allowed to roam. The more animals present in the home, the more they feel the need to lay claim through urination.

Pet Fact #3 - Urine can damage dyes and create permanent color loss. What appears to be a urine stain may actually be color loss that cannot be corrected by cleaning. 

Pet Fact #4 - Odors and gasses given off by decomposing urine can be absorbed by any porous surface. This may include upholstery, drapes, clothing, and unfinished wood in furniture or cabinets. 

Pet Fact #5 - Lipids (fats) are excreted each time an animal urinates. If the animal continues to urinate in the same area the lipids can build up creating a spot that repels water and water based cleaning agents. 

Pet Fact #6 - Urine that is left in the carpet can permanently change the color of the carpet, eating away the colors (especially the blue dyes). It can weaken the layers of the carpet allowing separation or de-lamination of the backing material, and can cause seam areas to become damaged or separate.

Pet Fact #7 - As urine dries the urea form hard crystals or salts, while the lipids (fats), hormones, and other chemicals in the urine form a coat which glues the urea crystals to whatever the urine comes in contact with.

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